Lee Robert WhiteCounselling in Streatham


"Only when we are brave eonough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinate power of our light" Brene Brown
I am a qualafied Supervisor, offering supervison to all mental health proffesionals. My supervision style is creative and collobrative, focusing on the relationship and its power to heal. I aim to create a space where you feel you can explore your work in a non-judgmental environment. A space that will allow you to develop and grow, finding your authetic proffesional self. I offer individual and group supervision.
I also facilitate trauma informed refective spaces for mental health proffessionals who work in residential and non residential mental health services.
I facilitate in house and online trainings for organisations that support people with mental heath issues. I also offer workshops for orgainsations that wish to promote well being and mental health awarness within their work culture. Metal health awareness amongst staff can lead to higher pefromance and less burnout and should be an important part of a work culture.
Some of the traings and workshops I have delivered so far include.
  • Connecting to the natural world and the wild within.
  • Managing grief and loss in the workplace
  • Self care and how to avoid burnout
  • Trauma informed care.
  • Personality disorders and Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Working creativly with Suicidility 
  • Supporting Male survivors of domestic abuse.
  • Supporting Survivors of Child sexual abuse


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